MBA in Project Management


Project management impacts directly on the growth and advancement of most modern organizations and is a much-sought-after qualification. The MBA in Project Management is a specialized program that enables students to develop an advanced understanding of concepts, approaches, and tools relevant to the field of project management in the 21st Century.

The program enhances the capacity of managers to improve production and service delivery thereby contributing to organizational effectiveness. The program also provides for the attainment of quantitative skills in Project Finance and Project Management.


Enterprise Resource Planning
Module Aim

This course will enable students’ understanding of the issues and decisions that must be made when embarking upon an ERP selection and implementation journey. It will also lead to an understanding of the challenges associated with managing extant ERP systems. In the process, students will become familiar with the forces and organizational conditions leading to the acquisition of such enterprise-wide systems

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand and gain insight into process views of organizations and tools and techniques used to model both as-is and to-be models.
  • Apply the process modeling techniques in one or more modeling environments.
  • Know and be able to apply key technical terminology in enterprise information systems as they apply in different ERP products and development methods Understand key differences between the major ERP applications (such as SAP R/3, and Oracle/PeopleSoft/Seibel) and issues specific to these applications their configuration and management.
  • Analyze a current architecture and perform an effective gap analysis before an ERP implementation Be able to map enterprise architectural resources to a contemporary Enterprise Architecture mapping tool.
  • Understand and be able to articulate the life cycle stages of any ERP implementation.
  • Effectively describe problems typical of ERP implementation projects and translate this information and use this information to anticipate and articulate the challenges associated with post-implementation management of ERP systems.

Project Management
Module Aim

To understand the process of identifying appropriate and feasible projects, and to be able to initiate and start a project. To be able to manage, monitor and control a project, including assessing, managing and controlling project risks and issues, project, and team management and change management. To be able to evaluate the success or failure of a project.

Learning Outcomes

  • Be able to analyze business objectives to identify feasible projects
  • Be able to design systems and plans for initiating managing and controlling projects
  • Be able to organize and manage a project
  • Be able to monitor and control the progress of projects
  • Be able to review, evaluate, and closeout a project

Research Methodology
Module Aim

The course is designed to help students become good researchers, to become familiar with the steps in proposing research topics, and clearly apply research knowledge in education. After completing the course, students will be able to prepare a research plan, collect data, address research questions and hypotheses, and organize a project report.

Learning Outcomes

  • Be able to formulate a research proposal relating to strategic business development
  • Be able to use different research methodologies to gather sufficient and valid data
  • Be able to present research findings in an appropriate format for a target audience
  • Be able to evaluate own skills while undertaking research

Strategic Financial Management
Module Aim

On completion of this unit, learners will have gained knowledge and understanding relating to planning the usage and management of a business organization’s financial resources. Learners will understand the importance of attaining business objectives and maximizing shareholder return. Learners will gain a working knowledge of business strategy design and the production of comprehensive business plans

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the significance of strategic management and decision making to the performance of a business organization
  • Understand key financial theories
  • Be able to apply stakeholder analysis and corporate valuation techniques
  • Understand the role of culture in strategic decision making
  • Understand performance measurement systems

Supply Chain Management
Module Aim

At the completion of this course, the student should be able to examine the design and performance of supply networks and processes in different business contexts. Students develop capabilities in logistics, digital coordination for supply chain integration, inventory management, risk pooling, procurement, product, and process design, and international supply chain management

Learning Outcomes

  • Configure logistics networks and assess their performance impacts on efficiency and service levels
  • Manage inventory efficiently and pool inventory risks across time, products, channels, and geography.
  • Design supply chain contracts for effective governance of supply chain relationships.
  • Diagnose information integration problems across the supply chain and their consequent impacts in deploying physical and financial resources
    Evaluate alternate information sharing and lead time compression strategies, and supply chain coordination structures, and their organizational and performance implications.
  • Align supply chain integration strategy with the uncertain conditions of supply and demand.
  • Optimally position the push-pull boundary to leverage economies of scale and economies of scope.
  • Evaluate distribution strategies to balance responsiveness and efficiency.
  • Design e-procurement strategies for a firm’s procurement portfolio of products and services.
  • Evaluate how the logistics process can be constrained by product design and the implications of constraint reduction on logistics performance and market responsiveness.

Total Quality Management
Module Aim

The objective of this course is to gain the knowledge of possibilities of efficient optimization and management of operation using TQM to improve the overall efficiency of the firm.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify and explain the basic concepts in Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • Differentiate between product quality characteristics and service quality characteristics
  • List the key steps in the control of quality
  • Distinguish between the quality of design and quality of conformance to design
  • Explain the process of planning for quality
  • Explain the system of documentation, implementation, and assessment of the quality
  • Identify and explain specific tools and techniques for quality improvement
  • Explain the role of external and internal customers in setting quality parameters.

Application Fee:

$30 USD

Tuition Fee:

$1,500 USD

Program Duration

12 Months